Resources 6 Best Practices to Enhance Your Corporate Compliance Training

6 Best Practices to Enhance Your Corporate Compliance Training

Good corporate compliance training will educate employees about critical compliance information. Your training may cover various policies, procedures and expectations, but they should all empower your employees to act ethically and comply with relevant laws and regulations. Creating and delivering practical compliance training can make the difference between building a culture of compliance and suffering the cost of non-compliance, like costly penalties and fines.

To help you build a corporate compliance training program that works, this blog dives into the following topics:

  • What corporate compliance training is
  • Corporate compliance training topics
  • Important corporate compliance training best practices
  • Steps to implement corporate compliance training

What is corporate compliance training? 

Corporate compliance training helps employees understand the laws and regulations that govern their activities and gives them actionable ways to further compliance efforts. 

To do so, compliance training may feature: 

  • Codes of conduct employees should follow
  • The company’s standards and policies related to compliance
  • How employees should act so that compliance becomes part of how they do business

Depending on the nature of their business, companies must follow different regulations, so the type of information employees need to know will vary. Healthcare workers, for example, will need to understand how to safeguard patient information. In contrast, a software company that processes credit card transactions must teach its employees about other security standards similar to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Common corporate compliance training topics

Laws and regulations are unique from industry to industry. Many regulations concern how companies treat people, handle data, or impact the environment, among other vital areas. 

To effectively cover these impacts, corporate compliance training topics may include: 

  • Anti-bribery and corruption
  • Anti-harassment
  • Non-discrimination
  • Internal policies and codes of conduct
  • External rules and regulations
  • Use and protection of data
  • Consumer data privacy laws 
  • FTC regulations
  • ADA compliance

Ultimately, the board and its legal representatives must identify which laws, rules and regulations employees should know, then lean on compliance officers to translate those frameworks into approachable, practical training for employees at all levels. 

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Six best practices

Successful corporate compliance training will be unique to each business. However, all practical training has specific characteristics in common.

Using these best practices will ensure your training gives employees the tools they need to not only adhere to compliance initiatives but champion them: 

  1. Select relevant topics: Your employees’ time is valuable. Identify issues your employees need to know, then craft training worthy of their attention. Cutting out what they don’t need will illuminate what they do, making it easier for them to engage with and, ultimately, retain critical compliance information.
  2. Communicate the cost of noncompliance: Compliance is your job, so you know exactly what’s at stake. But your employees may not. Use corporate compliance training to help them understand what they, and the company, stand to lose if they don’t follow regulations. This allows employees to give training the respect it deserves. 
  3. Make culture part of the conversation: Compliance isn’t just about do’s and don’ts. It’s about making compliance part of the fabric of your company’s culture. Is your internal message about how your employees are family? If so, your corporate compliance training should show them how complying protects that family. 
  4. Empower employees to participate: Compliance officers aren’t the only ones who can discuss compliance. Show employees how to hold each other accountable by calling out less ideal practices and encouraging better ones. 
  5. Implement ongoing education: Training can’t just be a one-off, mainly because your employees will need new information if and when laws and regulations change. Devise a way to deliver ongoing updates, even if only to remind employees of different policies and procedures.
  6. Improve training over time: Most corporate compliance training solutions have built-in analytics. It can tell you how engaged your employees are, if they’re completing training, etc. Use that information to fix what’s not working and enhance what is.

Best practice steps to implement

Creating and delivering corporate compliance training can seem daunting. But it pays off when you see your employees putting your training into action for your reputation and bottom line.

Here’s how you can start integrating corporate compliance training into your workplace: 

  1. Identify what your company needs: This lays the groundwork for your training. Ask yourself: What laws and regulations do employees need to know? Are there policies or frameworks they should follow? Do employees need a reminder about certain practices? This becomes the content of your corporate compliance training.
  2. Talk to your employees: Corporate compliance officers have a great birds-eye view of all compliance activities. But they might not be tapped into how those activities play out daily. Ask your employees what is or isn’t working, what they need to know to do their jobs confidently, and what format they’re most interested in. 
  3. Choose a training solution: Use your employees’ feedback to select a compliance and ethics training platform that meets your and their needs. Make sure your chosen solution has robust analytics and accommodates different training formats. 
  4. Set measures of success: How will you know whether your corporate compliance training works? Define how you’ll measure success at the start so you can evaluate whether your training is practical and pivot if it’s not. This also makes your program more defensible. Your training solution’s analytics can help, but so can working with team leads to gauge changes in your employees’ compliance practices.
  5. Monitor and make changes: Even the best training has a shelf life, mainly because laws and regulations change over time. Be ready to pivot as your landscape evolves, whether updating existing modules, creating new ones or delivering the same training in better, more engaging formats, like microlearning.

TOP TIP: Say “goodbye” to boring corporate compliance training and follow best practices

Compliance matters. Noncompliance has serious ramifications, of which fines and penalties are just the beginning. Yet, too many companies deliver compliance training that employees can’t act on and don’t follow best practices.

Following the corporate compliance training best practices and implementation steps listed above will help, but so will further your understanding of the compliance and ethics practices that work.

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