A Guide To Getting Your Trustees To Use Board Management Software

Getting your trustees to use your new board management software isn’t always easy. It’s a journey of many steps, from the initial introduction through ongoing encouragement, from tentative adoption to leveraging all the benefits of such a solution for your board.

But there are ways to accelerate the process, minimise the stress and maximise the benefits. Our free guide covers proven steps, complete with checklists and tips to help you to get your trustees using and benefiting from your board management software.

In the guide you will discover:

  • How to pick the right platform
  • Why buy-in from the top is so important
  • Why you need to mandate and motivate
  • How to make training an ongoing activity
  • What you need to do to keep progress going

Download the guide now and book a demo to take your next step to a tech-savvy board.