Transform the governance of your mission-driven organisation

Don’t settle for outdated board management. Deliver a bigger impact by empowering your board to make confident, informed decisions. BoardEffect makes it all possible.

Dashboard of the innovative audit software that uses the power of analytics to generate easy to read reports and real-time insights using data.


Efficient management tools

Our platform allows you to efficiently prepare for meetings, control documents, and manage committees, all in one place, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration.

Diligent audit management software screenshot
Screenshot of pc, tablet, and cellphone views of the board of directors meeting in diligent's world-class board management software.


Collaborate with ease

BoardEffect provides intuitive tools that help you stay accountable and efficient. Assign tasks, conduct surveys and sign documents all within our user-friendly platform.


Boost your board’s effectiveness

Keep board performance levels high with secure evaluations, analysis and peer benchmarking. Find, recruit and connect with the director candidates who can fill experience gaps.

Screenshot of software interface illustrating transparent reporting and organizational performance protection in a data-driven audit solution.

Streamline board meetings

Whether meeting virtually or in-person, BoardEffect makes it easy to streamline your board meeting management and improve efficiency.

Empower your leadership

BoardEffect promotes transparency and engagement by providing your leaders with the tools and insights they need to make informed decisions and drive success.

Secure your information

BoardEffect offers best-in-class security and data protection measures with advanced permission controls to ensure that sensitive information is kept safe and secure.

Engage your stakeholders

BoardEffect’s easy-to-use and accessible platform makes it easy for all volunteers and board members to engage and participate in strategic activities.

Boost your decision-making with the right tools. 

See how BoardEffect can improve meeting management and free up your time as you work towards your organisation’s mission. 

A collage of diverse boardroom scenes, professional board members in discussion, and charts highlighting board effectiveness metrics.