Fortify your internal controls and improve compliance with Diligent

Lower the cost of compliance by adopting a suite of new efficiencies. Automate manual functions, expand coverage and experience the full benefit of continuous monitoring.

Automate manual control assessments so your audit team can apply its insights to high-level strategy. Expand your team’s capacity without increasing staff overhead.
Identify and remediate emerging issues as they arise. Use customisable reports and assurance report cards to develop consensus around important items.
Proactively anticipate potential emerging risks by efficiently tracking, remediating, and reporting vulnerabilities through a reliable single source of truth.
Give executives and control owners visibility into SOX, UK SOX and J-SOX compliance status software that helps you address issues before they evolve into problems.


Integrated control monitoring

Keep leadership continuously up-to-date. ACL Analytics powers real-time data collection, testing and integrated dashboards with continuous monitoring.

Screenshot demonstrating software capabilities: Keep leadership continuously updated with real-time data collection, testing, and integrated dashboards powered by ACL Analytics.
Screenshot showcasing program capabilities: Manage all risks and controls centrally. Create compelling reports with customizable narratives and attribute testing.


Risk and control library

Manage the full breadth of your risks and controls in one place. Generate effective, compelling reports with customisable control narratives and attribute testing.


Empower control owners

Give control owners the tools they need to streamline the audit team’s workload and improve overall confidence. Our intuitive interface requires no training.

Screenshot showcasing software capabilities: Empower control owners to streamline audit team workload effortlessly. Intuitive interface requires no training.

Looking for more reasons to choose Diligent?

Discover the key features and benefits of our Modern Audit solution in this comprehensive product sheet.

Modern Solutions for Modern Organisations

Modern Governance

Leading starts with good board governance and board management. Digitise board materials, secure sensitive data, easily manage entities and design strategic compensation plans.

Modern Risk

Identify, assess & remediate risk in a single, platform by using Diligent’s risk management tool. Apply a unified risk methodology based in best practices to deliver executive visibility and alignment across your organisation.

Modern Audit

Use automated workflows to derive value from audits & reduce manual tasks to manage the entire audit lifecycle. Our audit management solution uniquely connects to any data source and scales to your needs, providing the support your business requires as it grows.

Modern Compliance

Create a culture of ethics, ensure regulatory compliance and get real-time oversight into compliance programs. Protect your brand and business with compliance at every level of the organisation.